Carrot CRM – Custom Actions


You are able to add Actions to your Opportunities outside of the standard Actions as you need. Some examples are Actions for things that may be specific for the particular Opportunity you’re working on, maybe you suspect they may put the property on the MLS so you can create a Custom Action to check the MLS at a designated time. Another example would be to check to see if the seller sold the property to someone else. 

Custom Actions can be created for specific Opportunities and are not saved globally across your Market Space. 

Create a Custom Action

  1. Click Opportunities
  2. Search for or filter the Opportunity you’re looking for and click on the address to edit 
  3. Click the Opportunity/Property Address to view the Opportunity. You create Custom Actions from within the Opportunity but the other route could be to search for the Action itself in the actions menu or do a Global Search.

  1. Click on the Actions menu
  2. Complete the current Action with its outcome and update any information needed for completion
  3. Click Next Step

  1. You’ll then be routed to the Assign Next Action screen. Click Custom Action in the dropdown menu.
  2. Give your Action a title that will be easily defined and understood by your team (required) 
  3. Add a description (required)
  4. Select Standard Action or Appointment 
  5. Add the Assignee, due dates and any further instructions for your team member
  6. Insert a Quick Add comment or note if needed 
  7. Click Complete Action

Your Custom Action is now created and can be found in the Actions Pipeline and will be assigned to your team member as designated and written.