Resurfacing is a functionality that is tied with Dead Reasons. This lets you create a rule that “resurfaces” Opportunities that were marked dead for a specific reason so they go back into your Active Opportunities to be followed up with. This is best used for those dead Opportunities that are not actually “dead”.
Step 1: Create a resurfacing rule
- Select a team in the left menu
- Click the cogwheel icon
- Select Resurfacing
- Click +Add Resurfacing button at the bottom of the screen
- Enter the name of the rule and Save
- Select a Trigger on Dead Reason. This will tell the system to trigger this Resurfacing rule whenever an opportunity is marked dead and the reason you set is selected.
- Enter how many days the Opportunities should resurface after being marked dead
- Click the ︙ellipsis to delete the Resurfacing rule
Step 2: Assign the action
This setting lets you select a team member that will be the owner of the resurfaced Opportunities to continue the follow-up. Select one user or round robin to multiple users.
- While in a Resurfacing rule, click the Actions tab
- Select Individual User to assign the resurfaced action and the owner of the Opportunity to a specific team member. They can be different if you want a specific person to own or manage the opportunity but another to do the follow-up.
- Select a user to be the owner of the resurfaced opportunities
- Select a user to be the assignee of the resurfaced action
- Select Group to assign the resurfaced Opportunities to two or more Team Members or leave them unassigned in a Group
- Choose the group to assign Opportunities to
- Click Round Robin to assign the Opportunities alternately to the members of the group
- Premium Feature: Click Leave Unassigned to let the team members in the group manually take ownership of the Opportunities themselves
- Premium Feature: Click Attach to group and assign ownership to an individual user if you want to assign the Opportunities to a group but have a specific user working on them
- Choose the group to assign Opportunities to
Step 3: Set up an email notification (Optional)
Immediately send an email notification when an Opportunity is resurfaced.
- While in a Resurfacing rule, click the Email Notification tab
- Enter the email/s where the notification will be sent to. If adding multiple emails, separate them using a comma
- Add a subject for the email
- Write the message body of the notification
Step 4: Add a webhook (Optional)
Add a webhook where the details of the resurfaced Opportunity will be posted automatically.
- While in a Resurfacing rule, click the Webhook tab
- Enter the Webhook URL
- Click Save
Stop Resurfacing
If you mark an opportunity dead that has already resurfaced and you do not want it to resurface anymore, click the checkbox shown below to stop it from resurfacing again.
That’s it! You should now be able to mark Opportunities dead and have them resurface after X number of days if needed.
Learn More:
Create Dead Reasons to make the resurfacing rules more effective. Here’s how:
Here’s how you mark an Opportunity Dead