Carrot CRM – Webhooks

Webhooks Settings

Webhooks are available for you to add into your IF3 account from other accounts and applications and your outgoing webhook is stored here as well.

  1. On the left pane where your team name is, there is a cogwheel icon (⚙)
  2. Click ⚙ the cogwheel icon
  3. Select Team Settings. This will take you to the Settings tab of the Team Dashboard.
  4. Click Webhooks

Inbound Webhooks / Callrail Webhooks

5. Inbound webhooks enable us to import your contacts and leads/opportunities and are configured by our Integrations Team at time of setup. This is information you can copy if you need it but it is read-only.

Outbound Webhooks

6. This is webhook information you can add to post to other applications about your Opportunities inside of IF3.

Completed Action Outbound Webhook

This triggers every time an Action has been completed, regardless of where inside of IF3. It instantly sends information to the webhook URL that you placed.

This will also trigger the Opportunity Status Change Webhook.

Blank fields from the opportunity will not be posted.

Opportunity Status Change Outbound Webhook

This triggers when you update the status of an opportunity, regardless of where in Investorfuse. It instantly sends information to the webhook URL that you placed.

This is triggered alongside Completed Actions. Blank fields from the opportunity will not be posted

Opportunity Created Outbound Webhook

This is triggered when an opportunity is created manually, or thru an integration, regardless of the source. It instantly sends information to the webhook URL that you placed

Minimal fields are posted to the webhook URL, only the ones that are available upon manual, or automatic creation of the opportunity