How to Convert Your Page to Blocks

In November of 2019, we did a system-wide update and transitioned our old editor, to the new visual editor. This guide will only be applicable to sites launched before that time, or with some of the content library blog posts that may be built with classic blocks.

Note: you will only have to do this for sites launched prior to November 25, 2019. 

Once you have converted your pages and/or posts to blocks, you will be able to use all the tools on the new visual editor.

Let’s get started on how you can convert to blocks!

Method 1: Converting A Whole Page

Step 1: Go to your page list and click on the page you want to edit

Step 2: Use the button to Convert To Blocks

Once you enter the editor, your page will have a pale orange box at the top of the page with a button to “Click here to convert all classic containers on this page only.” Click that option to convert the editor to blocks.

Step 3: Click Update and You’re Done!

You should now see your content inside of respective blocks based on the type of content it is, and will now have full functionality of the visual editor.

This process should be used when your page is mostly classic blocks with the exception of the hero block and the credibility block. This will convert everything in one go!

Method 2: Convert A Singular Classic Block

Step 1: Edit the page

Like before, head to your content > pages section, and click on the page you wish to edit. This will bring you into the page editor.

Step 2: Convert the Classic Block

Scroll down in your editor until you find your classic block. You can tell that it is a classic block because there will be a grey bar indicator that reads “Classic”. Click on the block and use the edit bar to convert it to a visual block.

Note: There are some things that classic blocks are used for intentionally. One of these things being IDX feeds for Agent sites. The IDX shortcodes need to be placed inside a classic block to display MLS properties. Converting your classic block with IDX shortcode will break the IDX feed!

Step 3: Update Your Page

That’s it! You’ve successfully converted a singular block, or an entire page over to visual blocks! Now you have the full functionality of the visual editor, which will allow for more control over your webpages formatting and customization.

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