The Ideal “About” Page

If you’re looking to update your site’s “About Us” or “Our Company” page to stand out from the crowd – PERFECTO! That’s one of the best things that you can do for your site and is the second highest-viewed page throughout our Carrot sites (and we’ve tested numerous times.)

So this is a huge deal and we’d love to provide a bit of insight into what makes a great biography. Hope it helps!

About Page Tips

1. Add a short bio and image of everyone on your team at the very top of the About page

Focus on why your leads will find you to be the best help that they can find and toot your horn here. Don’t forget to keep it short. Folks are interested in learning who you are, but they don’t want to read a novel. Your prospects love a good story but are really finding out about who you are to see if you are legitimate. Keep things focused on why you are qualified to help someone without overselling on your services.

Click here to learn how to use the Bio Block →

2. You should be honest and accurate – with a positive spin

Don’t lie about who you are, why you’re doing this, or what your results have been. People buy into you because of being able to relate to you. You don’t have to wow them on skillsets or past accomplishments. Don’t hammer what you don’t know – but don’t add any fluff. Keep it concise and housing-related. You don’t have to mention what school you went to or how long ago you started this. Talk about why you’re a great choice. Because people don’t care so much about your ability as they do about your capability and availability.

3. Have a mission and values that you can recite and own

It’s super important for a company to have a mission and values you can recite and fall upon when things are going awry or you have a wary prospect.

A mission statement tells someone that this is the heart and beat behind a company’s decision. It doesn’t have to be called a mission statement in your bio, but there should be a clear and defined sentence about your position in real estate and why you do what you do. One sentence or core values will provide insight for a visitor on what immutable value or reason you have for your business.

Values are bullet point items about the things you hold as paramount to how you run a business. This could be:

  • Always treat everyone with respect
  • Positivity in all things
  • Be open in our communication

4. If you have a team, introduce them!

Creating an impression and relationship online is challenging. What was that phrase again “90% of what you say is body language.” And online, you’re taking that out of the equation. So if body language and facial expressions are so important, don’t you think it would be great to show people who you are? Give your visitor a face for the names on the screen and you’ll create more of a connection.

5. Optimize your About Page for Company Name and State

If someone’s searching for your company, you’ll want them to find your site as fast as possible. So make sure that you set your “About us” page’s keyword as your company name, state (in brackets to incorporate what’s contained in the site settings short code) and optimize the content for this. Our SEO Tool will help you with this process so you know exactly what to update to optimize the content.


📹 Check out the video below to learn how to make an “About Me” video ↴

How to make an “About Me” Video, Introductions & More | Get Started in Real Estate Video Marketing